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🌷 Easter 🪺

Dear diary and our dear followers 🌞,

🌸 We are back, after a few days off, thanks to ✨Greek Easter ✨ - which is the most important religious and cultural celebration in Greece.

🔥 Last week there was a lot going on: Some of us went to a blood donation in Argos. We spent our free time having a football match, going running, making music, sitting by the bonfire, doing a live drawing session, having a fun Italian 🇮🇹 games night🤌,...

🛖 On Thursday we had a very special visit - Erató, the owner of Hopeland told us more about the history of Hopeland which started as a place for family counseling to get a break from the city. She answered our questions about the ideas behind Hopeland and the value of finding a place of belonging - which each of us can feel here ☺️

⛪️ On Good Friday, we visited the Epitaph ceremony in the nearby village Malantreni. The Epitaph marks the death of Jesus and is carried around the village with singing and candles.

🥧 On the weekend we also tried tsoureki - a type of traditional sweet bread. The biggest surprise was the red egg baked inside of the bread - which is symbolic of the blood of Jesus.

🌊Over the weekend we also went to the beach, swam, went hiking in Mykines, got lost along the way😁, had a picnic on the mountain, drank a lot of freddo cappuccino🧋, ate great Greek food, hitchhiked to the nearby towns, a few of us were visiting a nearby friend over the weekend. And some were sooo focused with their personal project and worked… very diverse weekend - it was a lot of fun🤩!

🥲 Also we had to say goodbye to some of us (it’s not getting easier with time).

⏳Now a new week has arrived and brought some rain, clouds, and electricity was off for a couple of hours… but our personal projects are waiting, we are fully on - cutting, writing, researching…. this is our last week to finish our projects, so wish us luck 🍀

Sending hugs,

Eyes Wide Open volunteers 🫂


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